Founder and President
"We are humanist engineers, we have the ability and sensitivity to capture all features of the society in which we live. In NET Engineering we design works that touch the sensitivities of the populations involved, but with an awareness: with these realities we have to deal. The humanist engineer gets among people, listens to understand their real needs. Indeed, a work well accepted is a work that will live on in the future and will be left to future generations as a value."
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"The way I approach the role of CEO is inspired by one of the famous quotes of Julio Velasco, my personal legend: one is not a great coach when he makes players move according to their intentions, but when he teaches players to move on their own. The absolute ideal occurs when the coach has nothing more to say because the players know everything there is to know."
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Luca Romio
Program Manager Director & Business Development
Nicoletta Lo Turco
Program Manager Director
Alessia Bastianon
People&Culture Director
Maria Chiara Buffoni
Communication Manager
Gianluca Loberto
Management Team
Giovanni Acciaro
Program Manager, Technical Director Mobility
Paolo Ascari
Technical Director Geotechnics
Sara Bagno
D&I and Gender Equality Representative, People&Culture Manager
Maurizio Bettio
Bill of Quantity Practice Leader
Alberto Callerio
Program Manager, Seismic Practice Leader
Marco Candela
Program Manager
Vincenzo Candido
Visual Communication Practice Leader
Francesco Caobianco
Program Manager, Technical Director Structures
Stefano Ceccotto
Technical Director Architecture
Andrea Delisio
Tunneling Practice Leader
Simone Eandi
Technical Director Infrastructure
Michele Faccioli
Technical Director Hydraulics
Michele Fioratti
Program Manager, Infrastructure Senior Engineer
Silvano Flora
Program Manager, Hydraulics Senior Engineer
Eleonora Gasperini
Program Manager, Infrastructure Senior Engineer
Matteo Lelli
Mobility Practice Leader
Umberto Lugli
Program Manager, Infrastructure Senior Engineer
Jacopo Ognibene
Mobility Practice Leader
Luca Ongaro
Structures Practice Leader
Valeriano Pastore
Technical Director Geotechnics, Director of International Operations
Andrea Pilli
Program Manager, Technical Director Environment
Gabriele Sau
Head of Business Development
Davide Tommasi
Program Manager, Architecture Practice Leader, BIM Manager
Paolo Toniolo
Structures Practice Leader
Roberto Zanon
Technical Director Structures
Nicola Zanta
Infrastructure Practice Leader
Carlo Zecchin
Infrastructure Practice Leader